Branding/ Product Design/ 2020


The project is an App for a French restaurant to help its clients ordering food & collect. The goal was also to be able to reserve a table online quickly and easily.


The difficulty of ordering food and reserving a table.


Help people order food and reserve a table online quickly and easily.


User research

The target users prefer to eat home-cooked organic. However, during the work week, they do not have time to cook. They need to order food online quickly and easily. We also approached people who prefer to book a table online without having to call the restaurant several times.

Paint points

The users have a healthy life but they do not have time to cook for their families.

Users work a lot and need to order food quickly and easily.

Users want access to events and dish updates.

Users do not like having to call the restaurant several times to get a reservation.



Information architecture

Product design

Paper Wireframe

Throughout this project, sketches saved me time, besides the ease in iterating and creating new elements.

Digital Wireframe

Once I had created the wireframe on paper, I transitioned these wireframes to a digital design tool.

Low-fidelity Prototype

Usability study


I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. For the second study, I used a high-fidelity prototype that revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

Round 1

  1. Users want to click & collect food

  2. Users want to reserve a table online

  3. Users want to know about events and new menus

Round 2

  1. Users ask for a more modern app

  2. Users want the order process to be simpler

  3. Users ask for a page to sign up

Refine Designs


High-fidelity prototype


What I learned

Throughout the different steps of the project creation, I learned valuable lessons about understanding user problems, defining them, and ideating (applying methods like "Crazy eights").

The customer journey map became a fundamental tool to help me visualize the users' needs. Overall, this project taught me how important it is to research on the users, listen to them, and understand them. The project was iterated three times after conducting research, which increased the project success.